The issuance of Passports of more than 7 Lac people has been delayed

After 1.2 million Pakistanis said goodbye to the country in a year and a half, millions more Pakistanis are trying to go abroad, the backlog in issuing new passports has reached 7 million. 

ISLAMABAD: The issuance of passports of more than 7 lakh people has been delayed, after 1.2 lakh Pakistanis said goodbye to the country in a year and a half, millions more Pakistanis are trying to go abroad, the backlog in issuing new passports has reached 7 lakh. went. According to the details, a large number of young people from all over the country are willing to go abroad, but the issue has turned sour due to the delay in the issuance of passports, the lamination papers for passport printing have not yet been received by the Passport and Immigration authorities.

According to officials, the passport and immigration authorities received the lamination papers on Friday, the first shipment of lamination papers in France reached Pakistan on Friday. According to the authorities, due to back-lock, passport printing work continued on Saturday and Sunday as well.
Urgent normal passport printing will be completed in phased manner soon.

It should be noted that according to the data released by the government, millions of Pakistanis left the country in a few months. During the first 6 months of this year 2023, 4 lakh 50 thousand Pakistanis moved abroad. Rising inflation in the country, low salaries and other reasons are being cited as the reasons for a large number of Pakistanis moving abroad. It has been reported that doctors, engineers, bank managers, IT specialists, salesmen and general laborers are among the people who move abroad for employment and a better future.

It has been reported that these people include doctors, engineers, bank managers, IT experts, salesmen and general labourers. It should be noted here that the number of Pakistanis going abroad has increased significantly during the last one year. In this regard, there have been alarming revelations in the report of Express News. According to the report, the passport authorities say that the number of citizens who have made passports has increased a lot in the past few months.

40,000 people are coming to the passport offices every day to get passports to go out of the country. The authorities added that due to the large number of data, the staff making the passports is also facing difficulties. Timely delivery of passports to citizens. Therefore, printing of passports has been started on Saturdays and Sundays as well. In a report released on April 2023, it was stated that millions of young people worried about the uncertain economic and political situation, inflation and unemployment went overseas in search of sustenance.

The number of Pakistanis going abroad for employment has increased three times. By December last year, 765,000 youths had left Pakistan for employment, while thousands more Pakistanis went abroad in the first 4 months of this year. Doctors, engineers, IT specialists, accountants, associate engineers, teachers, nurses are among those who went abroad, more than 92 thousand highly educated people also settled overseas.

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